My Family Tree

I wanted to make my family tree as a personal project in a unique style. My goal was to make it look like it was from the past because when I think of my family, I think of my childhood and how I grew up.

Because it was a big collage, the hardest part was arranging the pictures while maintaining the balance of the composition. To show a little bit more about my family, I put images from Vegas behind my mom’s side, and things from Florida behind my dad’s side, because that’s where they live, and also because they were staples of my childhood. Due to the nature of a family tree, I wanted it to look homemade, and not so perfect, because that’s how I feel my family is. I did a lot of experimentation with filters and effects to get a unique look. I normally don’t make my work look edgy or rough, but it was fun to do something different since my style is normally colorful and cute.
